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Julia Brown

Former HR & Executive Assistant, Mandela Rhodes Foundation

Julia Brown joined The Mandela Rhodes Foundation in March 2006. She has been the Executive Assistant in the office of the Executive Director since she started and subsequently took on the HR assistant role as well. Prior to joining the Foundation, Julia had worked in various industries which included conferencing, PR and shopping centre management.

Says Julia: “In many ways, it feels like I have never worked anywhere else. My eldest daughter was just three months old when I first encountered the Foundation at the Centenary Anniversary of the Rhodes Trust in 2003. I believed back then and I still believe that working for the Foundation was part of God’s plan for my life. I had the amazing opportunity on a few occasions to meet Madiba. Those moments were very special. I am inspired by the fact that the MRF is making a difference in the lives of young people across the continent. They are Africa’s future”

DecorationJulia Brown

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